Selling your life insurance policy is a major financial transaction. As such, the process includes extensive contracts to ensure a smooth transfer of ownership and to avoid any issues in the future.
Your life insurance policy is an asset that can be sold, just like your home, automobile, or other personal property. As such, you can use the money you receive from selling your policy however you want. Policyowners who have contacted Ovid to sell their policy have used their payouts in a myriad of ways, from spending on necessities to taking the trip of a lifetime. Just imagine how you could use your money!
A sudden cash injection can help pay down your debt, fund medical care for you or a loved one, or take advantage of an investment opportunity.
Many people use their settlement to fund a dream vacation or to make memories with their family while they still can.
With a life settlement, you can help your family now while you’re around to share in the enjoyment that cash can bring those you love most.
There are no restrictions to how you use the money you receive from selling your life insurance. Let your imagination run wild!